Zoom Link for St Pauls Meeting March 8
Join us at the Senior Center or via Zoom- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84730594639?pwd=JOHY1iEn2UgEtG6hUP13784NjXAN3P.1 Passcode:HJPt75
Join us at the Senior Center or via Zoom- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84730594639?pwd=JOHY1iEn2UgEtG6hUP13784NjXAN3P.1 Passcode:HJPt75
The CPOA’s March meeting has been moved to Wednesday, March 12 at 7 PM. – immediately following at 7:30 on March 12 will be a Special Combined POA meeting with candidates running for mayor (Finneran), and trustee (Catalano, Harrington, Varano) All GC residents are welcome. A couple of new things in the Village are the new furniture at GC library and turf at the Senior Center.
On March 4 the POAs are sponsoring an event celebrating the GC Hotel’s 150 years. Chef David Burke will be the honorered guest. Time: 7:00-9:00 pm. Location the Senior Center. Limited seating so please register by using WR code (double click) or https://shorturl.at/m0r38
There will be a meeting at 7:00 pm at the GC Casino about the upcoming St Pauls survey.
The CPOA will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 11 at 7:30 (Senior Center). Committee reports will be heard. The Village is looking at traffic issues thoughout the village. The meeting will include a discussion about First St traffic and ideas that can possibly be brought to the Village Traffic Commission.
A message from Village Hall: Board Expected To Vote on St. Paul’s Survey Thursday The Board of Trustees is expected to vote on the St. Paul’s survey at the Thursday, January 16 meeting at Village Hall and via Zoom. View the survey on the St. Paul’s page. Find the Zoom link on the Calendar page.
The POA Resident Elector Meeting will be on Tuesday, Jan 21 (Senior Center, 7:30 pm) which includes all four POAs and is open to all residents. Candidates running on the CAP ticket (Community Agreement Party) will speak at the meeting. The CPOA will have a brief meeting at 7:00in the small conference room adjacent to the lounge. We will not have a meeting on Tuesday, January 14.
1st Place 141 Chestnut St; 2nd Place 194 Wellington Road; 3rd Place 172 Brixton Road. Congratulations! And thanks to all of those who participated.
Double click on the title to access the QR code for the map and the SurveyMonkey voting app. Voting is Dec 13-22. Happy Holidays!
Second Annual Contest ! To enter, send an email to GCPOAEVENTS@gmail.com Enter by Dec. 12 Voting Dec. 13-22 Winners Announced Dec. 23