Garden City Central Property Owners Association

CPOA Information

Welcome to the CPOA Website

The CPOA serves as a civic association providing a venue for its residents to voice their concerns on village matters affecting the central section as well as providing representation to the Mayor and the Village Board of Trustees.  Our monthly meetings are open to all central residents during which reports are given by the officers and directors as well as our village Trustees.  We encourage an open dialogue among the CPOA board, the Trustees and the residents on current village issues.

CPOA Meeting February 11

The CPOA will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 11 at 7:30 (Senior Center). Committee reports will be heard. The Village is looking at traffic issues thoughout the village. The meeting will include a discussion about First St traffic and ideas that can possibly be brought to the Village Traffic Commission.

Joint POA Meeting January 21

The POA Resident Elector Meeting will be on Tuesday, Jan 21 (Senior Center, 7:30 pm) which includes all four POAs and is open to all residents. Candidates running on the CAP ticket (Community Agreement Party) will speak at the meeting. The CPOA will have a brief meeting at 7:00in the small conference room adjacent to the lounge. We will not have a meeting on Tuesday, January 14.

Hearing on Proposed Casino

5:00 pm at 1550 Franklin Ave, The County issued a Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the proposed Sands casino that is available at this link .  This will be the topic of the meeting. Comments are due to legislators by 1/6/25 and may be sent to