Garden City Central Property Owners Association

About Us

Garden City Central POA

The Garden City Central Property Owners’ Association (CPOA) is an organization that represents the residents of the Central section of the Village in the governmental structure established by the Community Agreement of 1919. The Central section is geographically defined to include residents west from Franklin Avenue and East from Rockaway Avenue and extends north to south in accordance with the village boundaries.

The CPOA is comprised of 4 officers who are elected annually for a term of one year.  In addition, there are 15 directors who serve terms from one to three years in accordance with the CPOA By-Laws.  Although the CPOA represents all residents from the Central section, our membership is comprised of annual dues paying property owners.  We offer a lifetime membership option and we currently have 60 lifetime supporters.

The CPOA is one of four Property Owners’ Associations (POAs) in the Village of Garden City.   The other POAs represent the West, Estates and East sections.  In an effort to promote communication and cooperation among the four POAs, the presidents and vice presidents of each group form the Joint Conference Committee (JCC) to address issues that affect the entire village, providing a collective voice to the Mayor and Board of Trustees. (Click here for the CPOA JCC Representatives)

CPOA Mission Statement

The CPOA serves as a civic association providing a venue for its residents to voice their concerns on village matters affecting the central section as well as providing representation to the Mayor and the Village Board of Trustees.  Our monthly meetings are open to all central residents during which reports are given by the officers and directors as well as our village Trustees.  We encourage an open dialogue among the CPOA board, the Trustees and the residents on current village issues. Our Trustees are Theresa Trouve and Louis Minuto.

The process of confirming candidates for Village Trustee, School Board Trustee and various other Village Board positions is a critical responsibility for the CPOA.  Candidates are nominated by the Central Nominating Committee, a board of central residents who solicit applications and conduct interviews for all positions noted above including CPOA officers and directors.