Garden City Central Property Owners Association

Author Archive: Garden City

Interested in Running for GC Trustee?

The four Property Owners’ Associations (Western, Estates, Central and Eastern) announce the start of the process to select residents as candidates for the Village Board of Trustees (BOT) and the Board of Education (BOE). Under the process, any resident interested in serving as village or school board trustee can participate in a community vote in their section of the village planned for Tuesday, January 16, 2024.   For example, all residents in the Eastern section will be eligible to vote in a community vote that will be held by the Eastern POA and the person chosen by the residents will be the POA candidate in…
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Mayor’s Message on the St. Paul’s Opinion Poll

From the GC Village website: “The Board of Trustees has scheduled a Public Opinion Poll on the St. Paul’s Main Building because we recognize the importance of determining community support for a path forward. The Public Opinion Poll will take place on Saturday, October 21, at the St. Paul’s Fieldhouse from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. This is an opportunity for your voices to be heard. All registered voters who live in the Village are encouraged to participate in the Public Opinion Poll. Absentee ballots will be available, as we would like this poll to be as inclusive as possible. In case you are not registered to vote,…
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September Promenades Cancelled

Posted on GC Village website ( “Members of the Board of Trustees have attended every promenade this year and recognize that residents, especially those with young children, really enjoy the events and that it provides an opportunity for our community members to gather outdoors, enjoy each other’s company, and support local businesses.  However, we have a responsibility to the community to keep our streets safe, and when an event challenges our ability to do this we can’t in good conscience continue the event. In light of these unfortunate circumstances, the remaining two Friday Night promenades – September 1 and 15, 2023…
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St Paul’s Update

St. Paul’s Update:Setting Date for ReferendumAccording to this week’s Garden City News, a decision will be made on setting the date of the non-binding referendum on the future of St. Paul’s at the next Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for Thursday, August 17th at Village Hall at 7:30 p.m.The three proposals that will appear on the referendum are: 1) demolition; 2) keeping the façade and adding modern construction behind it; and 3) restoring a portion of the building as a community center while making the rest of it safe from fire.Some residents believe that the proposed date in October is too soon and does not…
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