Garden City Central Property Owners Association


Recreation Survey: A Message from the Mayor

Please take the time to answer the questions, which are designed to let us know what’s working, what’s not working, and where you’d like to see improvements. Your participation in the survey is key to our success and will help bring us to a Recreation Master Plan for our Village. We value your feedback. Along the way to the Recreation Master Plan we will be exploring options to find the best solution for the St. Paul’s Main Building, but the recreation survey is much broader and will impact future decisions related to our recreational and cultural offerings across the village….
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CPOA to Hold Annual Meeting June 18

The Garden City Central Property Owner’s Association ((CPOA) Board of Directors will hold its annual meeting on Tuesday, June 18, 2024. One of the objectives of this meeting will be to elect directors and officers for the upcoming year.  Any person interested in joining our Board can send an email to indicating their interest. Regular business will also be conducted including but not limited to approval of the treasurer’s report, approval of minutes, speakers if any, all reports from committees, discussion of any old and/or new business.   Please contact the CPOA with any questions at  Members are defined as follows: member means any person who is over the age of 18 holding…
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GC Village Festival June 14

Garden city will be hosting a family festival with a patriotic theme on Friday, June 14 from 5 PM to 9 PM. There will be a band and representatives from various Village groups as well as the New York Islanders! Come and join the fun!

New Village Landscaping

Today our administrators finalized the “cutting schedule” with Brightview Landscapes LLC, our new landscape professionals who were contracted to maintain Village property, with the exception of the Central section and the contiguous business district. The contracts were finalized Friday, May 3 and Village Counsel expedited review of same. Cutting began on several gateway roads on Saturday, May 4. As has been evident, theunforeseen delays created noticeably unkempt areas across the Village.This is being rectified beginning today. Brightview is currently working in the East section, and will be moving from east to west over the next two days. Weather permitting, the…
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Special BOT Meeting 5/14 About St Pauls at the GC Casino

 Board of Trustees will be holding a Special Meeting on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at the Garden City Casino, located at 51 Cathedral Avenue.  This meeting will begin at 5:30pm and residents can drop in between then and 8:30pm.  Brandstetter Carroll (“BCI”) wants to hear from Village residents to learn their needs and desires for recreation and cultural facilities, services, and programs, including both existing and future amenities.  The input from residents is very important to the success of the Recreation and Parks Master Plan and the St. Paul’s Use Plan. 

Student Ambassador Application

Central Property Owners’ Association (CPOA)  High School Ambassador Application 2024-2026 Name __________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ Phone Number _______________   Email ______________________________ Current High School_______________________________________________ Graduating Year __________________________________________________ Extracurricular Activities___________________________________________ The Role of Student Ambassadors            Student Ambassadors gain an understanding of how the Village works by attending at least 5 CPOA meetings and giving reports to the Board. Additionally the Ambassadors participate in approved activities/projects.  Your responses to the following questions should be attached to this application: 1)    Why are you interested in becoming a CPOA High School Ambassador and which particular issues facing Garden City interest you? 2)     Describe a service project you would pursue during your term…
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