EAB Presentation: Garden City Trees
Click on the title to see an analysis done by Larry Quinn (GC Environmental Advisory Board).
The Property Owners’ Associations of Garden City wish to congratulate Joseph Sileo, William O’Donohue and Arthur Gnecco on their election as Garden City School Board Trustees. Garden City residents made their voices heard at the High School on May 17, 2022 with an overwhelming turnout and convincing results. Gnecco versus current Board president William Holub 2,132 to 1,311. O’Donohue versus Colleen Foley 2,119 to 1,373. Sileo, running unopposed, received 2,676 votes. We wish to thank Colleen Foley and William Holub for their volunteerism and all residents for their support and engagement. Over the past few years, a growing contentiousness has engulfed…
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The POAs and candidates thank you for your support and congratulate the winners. click on the title to see the breakdown of in person and absentee ballot votes.
Sound bites can be powerful – and misleading. Our community is being bombarded with misinformation on social media and letters to the editor negating the value of our POAs and how they work for our residents in collaboration with Village services, the Mayor and Board of Trustees.Here are just a few examples of how the POAs responded and supported residents after a concern was raised:• Traffic safety issues were raised at a CPOA meeting which resulted in the initiation of a traffic study for the Central section. This report will be presented shortly and the GC POAs plan to utilize…
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The CPOA serves as a civic association providing a venue for its residents to voice their concerns on village matters affecting the central section as well as providing representation to the Mayor and the Village Board of Trustees. Our monthly meetings are open to all central residents during which reports are given by the officers and directors as well as our village Trustees. We encourage an open dialogue among the CPOA board, the Trustees and the residents on current village issues.
Please see http://gcpoas.org for the results of the GC Village Leaf Blower Survey