Garden City Central Property Owners Association

CPOA Information

CAP Trustee Candidates & Jan 16 Resident Elector Meeting

 The following four candidates will be running on the CAP ballot: Judy Courtney, Vinny Muldoon, Jessica Tai and Bruce Torino. The Resident Elector meeting on Jan 16th begins at 7:30pm at the Senior Center, right after the 7:00 CPOA meeting.  The CAP (Community Agreemebt Party) candidates will be there to greet residents and introduce themselves.  

Zoom Link for EAB Jan 10 Sustainability Meeting

Please see attached zoom link for the 1/10 EAB meeting: Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:     Please click this URL to join. (     Passcode: TSA05r   “

EAB Sustainability Roundtable Jan 10

 Join the Garden City Environmental Advisory Board for a roundtable discussion on sustainability. The meeting will take place at Village Hall and by Zoom on January 10, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. The roundtable discussion is open to all community members interested, and this year we will be joined by leading sustainable development educator Dr. James Groves, a faculty member in the University of Virginia Engineering School. There will be an emphasis on volunteer and career opportunities in the growing field of sustainability. High school and college students, as well as recent graduates, or individuals involved in an environmental initiative or program, are invited to lead the discussion. Participating students will…
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Interested in Running for GC Trustee?

The four Property Owners’ Associations (Western, Estates, Central and Eastern) announce the start of the process to select residents as candidates for the Village Board of Trustees (BOT) and the Board of Education (BOE). Under the process, any resident interested in serving as village or school board trustee can participate in a community vote in their section of the village planned for Tuesday, January 16, 2024.   For example, all residents in the Eastern section will be eligible to vote in a community vote that will be held by the Eastern POA and the person chosen by the residents will be the POA candidate in…
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